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Visitor Etiquette

Thank you for selecting Prairie Lights to visit. We're happy to have you as our guest this holiday season! Please be considerate of our neighbors when visiting. We ask that you:

  • Please be courteous to our neighbors.
  • Please do not block our neighbors driveways or use their driveways to turn around.
  • Please do not hinder neighbors as they drive in or out of our neighborhood.
  • Please do not honk your horn unless it is for safety reasons. If you would like to leave us feedback please use the contact Prairie Lights or Prairie Lights guestbook links.
  • Please do not make noise. If you open your car windows please turn your radio down.
  • Please do not walk on our neighbors property.
  • Please stay out of the display. There is high voltage present all the time. There is also danger of tripping.
Viewing Prairie Lights

Please feel free to pull over and enjoy Prairie Lights. The best place to park to view Prairie Lights is the Cul-de-sac across from us (Donegal Cove). Tune your FM radio to 88.1 to listen to the lights. Help us support the Ronald McDonald House by bringing your Pop Tabs. We have a collection barrel near the street.